The most important factor when it comes to business carrying out process in the financial aspect. Money is the most critical aspect of any business as if not managed properly may lead to business ruination. To carry out a business there are various modes of finance available including partner or promoters funds to loans form financial institution or even public deposits in case of public companies, but what mode to choose and in what ratio, is to be decided after analyzing the business risk of that particular market.
What GAB & Associates offer?
We have professional who can decide the financial structure of the organization by understanding their business and analyzing the market risk associated with the same. Not only we decide the financial structure of the organization but also help our clients to make the arrangements of funds if needed from the financial institutions. We make sure our client have the best financial help from our side if they give us that opportunity, by suggesting them which financial institution to choose from many available options so that it suits their organization the best. Our financial services include:
- Project Reports
- Working Capital loans
- Overdraft Facility
- Letter of Credit/ Packing Credit
- Foreign Currency loans
- Term loans/ Machinery loans.